Snails, possums, birds and flowers surrounding the oil fields along the beach in Souther California.
Read morePathways and Snails Above the Oil Fields along the Beach
Near Takahiro's House
Near Takahiro’s house in San Francisco, before he moved to Denmark.
Ten Images From Texas (Bound)
Spending some time editing older images, I am surprised how old these are…measured in camera lifes… three cameras ago. I love the desert, and the Soutwest in general. Here the colours, as well as the subjects themselves, are nearly lost in the light. I feel strangely at home here, where the loneliness seems to be part of the air you breathe.
Walking Home From The Bookstore.
From the Seymour Valley Between Rainstorms
Dark Clouds, No Shadows, but No Rain!
The Pathway Fills with Water
The pathways in the woodland run through a boggy area where it becomes hard to follow a clear plan.