Behind the trees, two bridges, three train tracks, arriving ships and local traffic. Still, the trees are full of songbirds and common sparrows.
A Quiet Morning in the Garden Centre
Morning Light in Mr. Lee's Garden
Mr. Lee has shared his garden with me for the past few years. Hidden behind a fence it is a remarkable green space with an abundance of vegetables he cares for. Across the alley way you can see his tall bamboo trees growing from pots on a rooftop. This year he has a squash that at least 6 feet tall. He’s always happy when I come by, opening up the garden and then leaving me to work with my camera.
Bus Stop Along Still Creek
The bus stop along Still Creek in Brish Columbia. In late summer, it is overgrown with bushes, leaves and vines. Jim Roche, Landscape and documentary Photographer.
Read moreThe Monument Without a Purpose
Looking out over the Pacific, the monument has nothing to say. People get off the road, park and walk by to see the ocean, but ignore the obvious.
The Entrance To The Back Yard
A back entrance to the yard shows bushes treated very differently.
Vancouver, British Columbia. 2024. Jim Roche
Winter in Burn's Bog

The bog, when frozen, opens up. Its interior becomes visible, its skeletal system, clear. Water that normally runs for one day and disappears the next freezes, yet the movement of the water is traced in its odd shapes and layers of frozen surfaces. Some plants are frozen inside the ice, like bugs in amber. Their colour remains bright and life like. Most of it will thaw and just go on with what it was doing before the sudden freeze. Birds fill the lower branches of the bushes and brambles, searching for seeds. They call back and forth. I don’t know if they are sharing what they found or warning others to stay away. The low winter sun casts shadows which in the spring are never disappear. It reminds you that we are moving, not the sun. We’ve got it all wrong.
Flooding in the Delta
The rain stopped early today and we went down to a woodlands along the Pacific coast. There the high tide and strong winds blowing inland Brough a flood inland. Pathways throughout the woodlands were flooded, some were like little streams. What all the salt water will do to the cottonwoods I’m not sure.