On and Off the Path

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These images come from an urban nature centre that has, basically, one path. The path goes from the nature centre to the “bog,” which is mostly wetland, with some trees, now being overwhelmed by domestic blueberries. Every year the walls of this pathway, which in many places crowd in around you and stand several feet tall, are generally impenetrable. Here and there, are a few animal trails, very low and very dark. The walls are trimmed back each fall and in the spring new green growth peeks through here and there. Sometimes like a few misplaced hairs, sometimes tendrils that have a menacing look to them. The images are too full of detail, making them as impossible to understand as the walls are to penetrate. These images are part of a set collected at several similar sites over the past five years.
Early morning, following the pathway along the creek. The bridge allows in just the start of the day.
Today the light rain sometimes blurred into “showers.” Alexa said, when she told me the weather, “Don’t let the rain get you down.” Early spring, Sunday, but no gardeners because of the rain. My feet got wet, but the colours and haze kept me walking forward to see what else there was to see. A pain of red gloves, and a worktable of some sort in the woodlands behind the garden. I wanted to stay but my wet feet wanted to go home.