Dead Topiary at the Edge of the Woodland
The Edge of the Clearing
While in the forest I am using both my main camera, for colour, and my iPhone for monochrome images. I enjoy seeing the images in B&W as I take them. There is such chaos in the images, and the monochrome calms them down,
The Dead Tree Tells Its Story
Cold has frozen the creek and floods from the beaver dams, along with the snow, have flattened the grass. Things usually hidden in the undergrowth are seen in the winter, and they tell winter tales. Most of the fallen trees still have large amounts of soil attached to their roots, but this one has little left other than the skeleton. Even in death it seems to have suffered.
Looking Over My Shoulder.
I’ve been writing out my thoughts concerning the photographic process I use on my Substack Page. Please take a look, and subscribe…for free…if you’d like to follow what I write, or enter the conversation. This latest note is about looking back to see things from a different perspective while walking. Seems simple enough, but we need to do it more.